The DaVinci Obsession - New York

The DaVinci Obsession

New York, United States

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Your client’s grandfather, who is a famous historian notoriously known by his obsession of Da Vinci’s work, disappeared after leaving a strange letter to yo

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Capacity: 4-7

Phone: (347) 903-8860

134-26 Northern Blvd

The Dungeon of Elements - New York

The Dungeon of Elements

New York, United States

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ou have found the secret pathway to enter the mysterious dungeon, in which a sacred baptismal font was hidden but guarded by the enigma of the four elements.

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Capacity: 4-7

Phone: (347) 903-8860

55 Chrystie St, Ground Floor #106 New York, NY 10002

The Curse of the Pharaoh - New York

The Curse of the Pharaoh

New York, United States

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Your entire team of explorers were cursed as you entered the tomb of King Tutankhamun. The only way to remove the curse of the pharaoh is to locate the Book of

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-7

Phone: (347) 903-8860

134-26 Northern Blvd

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